version 0.02 This is Translation Map version 0.02.
If you don't have a fast Internet connection and/or you want to get right to using the system to write, reply to, or translate messages, then please click here.
If you have a fast Internet connection and a new web browser, please try loading the very large graphical interface by clicking here.
Warning: The graphical interface was designed as a "gallery version" and never really intended to be used as an applet. It is designed to be seen in the gallery with a very fast Internet connection because it contains many images that take a long while to load. However, since the interface can in principle run in a web browser we encourage you to try it out if you can.
Please create a new account for yourself if you have not yet used the system. The account name you pick for yourself does not need to correspond to your "real" name. I.e., your account name can be anything you want it to be and you can remain entirely anonymous if you so desire.
After you are logged into the system, you can return to these explanatory pages anytime you like by clicking on the small image of the world in the upper lefthand corner present on each page of the system. The image looks like this:
Please contact us at if you have questions or suggestions.